
This word&sbquo comprising two Chinese characters&sbquo was historically a strategic term and was originally expressed with a different first character that literary meant "a line of longitude or meridian." (With the second character meaning "to draw.") The word&sbquo hence&sbquo referred to the action of drawing a meridian. It is an action entailing the intent to expand one's territory militarily while indicating the boundaries of territories already occupied. The meaning of "figuring out an estimate&sbquo" which is include in the original word&sbquo still remains with us today to a certain extent. Its original interpretation was to assume and and logistics in order to expand militarily and occupy territory. The word&sbquo therefore&sbquo implies prior consideration regarding methods to sequentially execute strategies intended to accomplish specific objectives and purposes by figuratively putting together elements and factors to structure estimates and predictions. The concept can be termed as scheme&sbquo conspiracy&sbquo artifice or arrangement. It must be said that the reason keikaku (the Japanese word for plan) is considered as the Japanese translation for design (when design is considered an imported word) is because there meanings have been inherited by the contemporary word. Historically&sbquo the transformation from the original word to the contemporary probably took place because it was more appropriate to express "planning" with the Chinese.

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