
Ecology comprises one field in Biology. The name for this field of study was created in the 1860s by German biologist E.H.Haeckei based on the word Okologie&sbquo taken from the Greek Okies (human) and Logos (pursuit 0f learning). It is classified into plant ecology&sbquo animal ecology&sbquo and human ecology. Biology is study that originated in the classification of living thing. Ecology is the study that attempts to grasp how living things are influenced by their environments of the mutual relation between those living things and their environment. Today&sbquo ecology has broadened to encompass issues regarding human beings and the environment. This data back to an urban analysis done by University of Chicago sociologists Robert E.Park and E.W.Burgess using ecological theory. The depletion of natural resources and the digression of the environment became an issue in the 1960s&sbquo and the debate intensified further when the mutual relationship between living things and the earth's environment also became a focus of concern in the 1970s. Accordingly&sbquo ecology became an indispensable foundation for the preservation and protection of nature and the environment&sbquo and important point for the ecology movement and other social positions. The ecology movement went beyond the mere title "ecology&sbquo" as evidenced by the 1972 United Nation Conference on the Human Environment&sbquo Rachael Carson's book Silent Spring−virtually the text book of ecology at the time−and the Greek Party&sbquo a German popular movement that became political force. Ecology had ramification for design too. A point of view called "ecological design" was born of the relationship between environmental destruction&sbquo the disposal of products&sbquo and the industrial waste problem in our industrial society. Accordingly there was a search for ecological design methods−such as the ecological design awards established among the good design paradigm that could exist in the link comprising nature&sbquo human artifacts and the global environment. Biologically speaking&sbquo a group of animals is called an "association." But in ecology the technical term "formation" describes a group in the environment and doesn't classify them by species. I believe that the environment we call the company must itself be a formation. The results of ecological design are indispensable for design in the future.

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