
"First&sbquo the word youso(element) must be defined in contrast to the word youin(factor). Mathematically&sbquo an element is a member of a group&sbquo or a point. A group suggests a range or domain of designated objects when clearly defining what one is thinking about. The things gathered in that range or domain are called elements. Moreover&sbquo not limited to the definition in group theory&sbquo element is used for a part or component&sbquo or even the character of something. A factor&sbquo on the other hand&sbquo is an element that possesses tha factor of change through time.
Clear distinction and discernment are vital for the use of element and factor in design. With the design element&sbquo the components and characters comprising it are static A combination of static elements can became a system. We should pay attention to the fact the design factor&sbquo however&sbquo is dynamic. System design or design system itself becomes the effect or utility of design as a system of elements. With factorial design or the design factor&sbquo its dynamic nature becomes the cause for generating the result of design. For that reason&sbquo to handle factors in the design process&sbquo it is necessary to constantly acknowledge their dynamic aspects such as time&sbquo phase&sbquo amplitude and fluctuation&sbquo and comprehend them with scientific objectivity. In this notion&sbquo one must constantly see the element and factor as contrasting positions in thinking. When&sbquo for example&sbquo considering the realization of a lifecycle through design or in transient fashion&sbquo the result of the former can be determined by the structuring of factors&sbquo and the latter by the composition of elements alone. However&sbquo there is no design theory based on the relationship between the element and factors&sbquo and its verification and implementation and incomplete. The design of design is impossible unless the element and factor are redefined in design."

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