
By apprehending value form the following four frames of reference we can ascertain its meaning. First is seeing that value is based on the performance of the object so that it satisfies the person's desires. That is&sbquo value is the degree to which performance can answer all the different kinds of desires that we possess&sbquo all of our inclinations&sbquo be they moral&sbquo artistic&sbquo religions&sbquo economic or social. It doesn't have its foundations in mysticism of experience. Second is seeing that value is no more than a concept correlated to the desires of the person&sbquo and not inherent to the object possessing the value&sbquo it the person were to disappear then there would of no way to know how valuable the object was. Third is seeing that value originates not in the properties of the person but in the proprieties of the object. Value itself is not the object itself. It implies the fact that it is nothing more than a property. Forth&sbquo is being cognizant of the subjectivity that judges the desire or extent of desire as what has value&sbquo rather than the desired thing itself in snort&sbquo value is nothing more than a judgments that is in keeping win the valuing subject's perception and cognizance of his or her own socially defined values. For design&sbquo design value is generally perceived to be added value. However&sbquo judged from the above four standards&sbquo whether design is taken to be the subject (person) or object leads up to question if design is the generation of value or a property. This is to question the establishment of standards of design quality&sbquo performance and degree of desirability by reorganizing the system of design values in the relation between design value and design fact&sbquo design in not a value that is added.

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