
One of the factors in establishing a living condition for a human being to survive socially is to hataraku (to work). It is also called robo (labor) or shigoto (job&sbquo profession). In modern times&sbquo the meaning of hataraku has been defined in various ways while being associated with the division of labor in industry&sbquo economic achievements&sbquo and distribution of wealth&sbquo and has been positioned in the context of the given time. Max Weber stated that "labor" had agreed tacitly with the morality of industrial society&sbquo that is the common understanding of diligence&sbquo in urban society&sbquo especially in contrast between "urban society" and "rural society". However&sbquo the result of labor is centered around the activities of the "production" side. That is&sbquo the concept of labor being the source of establishing the structure of "production" and "consumption" is linked to social consciousness and economic climate. The quality of labor is differentiation of the ability of the individual human being&sbquo and the relationship between "production method" and "ability and skill of an individual"&sbquo and it is strongly influenced by the problems&sbquo educational background&sbquo experience and behavior of an individual working human being. This issue is linked to an ideology as "the theory of the value of labor" and "self-awareness of self-alienation due to labor" . Seeing the end of industrialized society and the arrival of the information society&sbquo the "quality of labor" has shifted in this modern society of disparity. Therefore&sbquo the view of labor as an ideology is also compelled to change. More specifically&sbquo as the dichotomy of capitalism and socialism has dissolved&sbquo it is now an age of restructuring the ideal form of the "labor management system"&sbquo and the "freedom of nonlabor" is being demanded as a global universal. I believe design can be involved in the concept of "freedom of labor" as part of globalism&sbquo and establishing its international system.

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