
As an everyday term&sbquo this word is used variedly and loosely. In the dictionary it is first a philosophical term&sbquo and in the clarity of logic&sbquo a mathematical term. Philosophically&sbquo it indicates the particulars that stand in between independently existing entities. Mathematically&sbquo it is a proposition that connects one set and another&sbquo a proposition that is defined as a relation or dual relation. Both terms are standard but an aIr-inclusive definite position has yet to be established. By classifying relations into functional relations and logical relations we can consIder it a word for which a defInition can be hypothesized. The relation between subject and object can be called a functional relation When the subject is in a causal relationship with the object&sbquo and a logical relation When the subject exists in contrast with the object or when its existence is dependent upon it. It is necessary to recognize the relative existence of "contrast&sbquo" "causality" and "dependence." If the layering of these relations is an organization or system then a relation must be always apprehended as a primary existence. In any case&sbquo since design in its essence aims to create relations between human beIngs&sbquo society and nature&sbquo it is reasonable to consider it as a method that embodies relations. Forming a relation with the object of design will give birth to a correlation between human behavior and hopes. Put another way&sbquo it becomes possIble to define design from "relativism&sbquo" as a creative behavior that builds relations&sbquo and it's possible that the creation of the relation of reciprocity is design.

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