Living Environment

The meaning of "living environment" inclines towards ''place of livelihood&sbquo particularly in reference to the human being." This "livelihood" does not mean ''private lifestyle." We should understand that the living environment is structured by customs systems&sbquo cultural climate and common sense&sbquo which are in turn greatly swayed by the social environment and the environment of the times. It is already controlled artificially. It is no exaggeration to say that control in this sense means that lifestyle choices in a situation determined by politics&sbquo economy&sbquo society and the times means being under the sway of an environment in which the given living standard automatically becomes one's personal lifestyle. It is essential to take an ideal approach to creating an environment if we are to make those environmental conditions ideal. Here&sbquo not only immediate and personal human environments win be subject to design. It will be necessary even in regards to constructing the concept of the ''global citizen" in order to achieve consensus on a global standard for the broader global environment&sbquo the character of international public relations&sbquo and a global system. An ideal form of living environment aimed at the realization of safety&sbquo health&sbquo convenience&sbquo amenity and peace through design has become our task. . It may be said that the living environment is a conscious environment that integrates and controls the natural environment&sbquo the production and labor environments&sbquo the welfare and medical environments&sbquo the educational and cultural environments.

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