
Interactive design refers to the "design of dialogue" with a computer. Accordingly&sbquo in interaction design stemming from computer-related design&sbquo the question of whether or not there is any interaction in the relationship between human beings and things and events that have been designed when it comes to interactivity and mutuality&sbquo and especially action and functionality in a correlated relationship&sbquo is an axis and item for evaluation. That is&sbquo it's possible to defin as interaction design the "design of relationships&sbquo" and not merely the limited mutual action of computer and information design. if we take an existential way of lokking at relationship&sbquo from its definition as a relationship between self and other&sbquo it transcends the relationshipbetween human beings and the target of design&sbquo and even includes interaction as an effect of design in communication in human relationships. In the end&sbquo it remains us of just how profound is its original meaning related to "dialogue." That is&sbquo it is clear that the essential objective of design is synonymous to the creation of communication. In various fields where design is required&sbquo it's always a question whether or not design creats interaction. In design work that treats interaction design as its main concept&sbquo the nature of a relationship must first be established from its relationship with human beings and then also from the mutuality of its relationship with society&sbquo the age&sbquo and the environmant. In defining the power of design from the definition of power in terms of the strong and weak interactions in Quantum mechanics&sbquo it is indispensable to possess an awareness of how to create the strengths and weaknesses of interaction with the power of communication. In the man/machine interface system&sbquo the succss of interaction is already required of design.

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