
The word anonymous means "without name or author. "It is design by anonymous or unknown person&sbquo as opposed to design where the designer is mentioned or is already famous. But the trend to recognize value in design only when the author is unknown is to misunderstand the historical view of design's basic function. The misunderstanding is that design is tried to the function it had after the industrial revolution or that it i human activity of conceiving of things to make. I believe that the appearance of design as profession&sbquo that is&sbquo the origin of design can be defined as occurring after the industrial revolution. Accordingly the anonymity of designed objects is the systematic problem that kept the profession of the designer unrecognized in society. A theory of value based on the anonymity of design-whether by an individual or a group-is actually doing nothing but ignoring the value of design&sbquo or is in fact prejudiced against is. As a consequence&sbquo it becomes meaningless to compare anonymous design with the relative value of brands of the designs of star designers. As a way to create brand recognition or image strategy we have the expression of famous designers on the one hand&sbquo and the design value of anonymity on the other. A design strategy that says goodbye to an age that uses those methods to evoke the desire to purchase products has become inevitable. We must also consider that unknown authorship is nothing more than the abdication of responsibility for the manufacture and production of a product. The existence of anonymous design can be seen as the antique-like value of archeological artifacts&sbquo and might become confined to museum. But the existence of objects by unknown authors one manufacturers can be seen as proof that responsibility is not being taken for manufactured goods. If anonymous design should come on the scene&sbquo it may very well do so within the recycling system comprising production&sbquo distribution&sbquo consumption&sbquo elimination and re-use.

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