
It is said that 100 designers will give 100 definitions of design. Some even say the-very act of realizing certain plans in ancient times-such as mankind inventing tools&sbquo creating? communication using icons and materializing plans for abodes and environments was already design. This&sbquo however&sbquo is incorrect. This is because it is necessary to make others aware of the scope or object to be designed&sbquo or give form to something that can be understood by looking at it&sbquo by the act of design. This understanding by looking goes beyond mere visual aspects. Looking extends to conceptual awareness that includes sensing. The origin of design is a Latin word designare&sbquo which means to indicate or display by marking. From this meaning&sbquo design acquired a composite meaning represented by device (design) and plan. It then became a word to express strategy and ploy as composite acts comprising planning/making projects/drafting (designing)&sbquo and devising (designing)/decorating/presenting&sbquo and even conspiracy and thoughts. The meaning and interpretation of the word has been expanded so much that design had to be redefined according to rules and methods that represent the individual code for each design object and field. This is probably why the incorrect definition of the word sited above came to be. The definition of design in each design object or field does not define design in its entirety but only defines it partially. The definition of design that starts from the question ''What is design?" has expanded in meaning and interpretation with the diffusion of the word&sbquo and its essence has also been diffused. What is rather necessary now is the viewpoint&sbquo "What was design after all?'' Reading the meanings of design from the issues in objects and fields that needed design and finding the recursive solution of what design has been&sbquo provides the true meaning of design and is proximal to the essential definition of design.

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