
創る (to create) is a Chinese character composed of 倉(Storehouse) and リ. 倉 implies that not only materials and ingredients but also concepts and images of making things are stored inside. リ is a symbol for knives or cutting tools. Therefore&sbquo this character includes the process that extends from material and concept to the act of making something. For this reason 創る represents creating things in an abstract manner rather than the concrete act represented by 作る or 造る. The terms 創作 (sosaku) and 創造 (sozo)&sbquo both meaning to create&sbquo differentiate the meaning of 創る white integrating additional meaning. Generally&sbquo 創造 is the act of God and is translated as "Creation" in English. The C has to be capitalized. This is precisely a general term for creating things in an additive manner from scratch. 創作&sbquo however&sbquo implies the expression of a thing's essence by making it in a subtractive manner (through paring something down). The basic goat of 創作ーsuch as writing&sbquo painting&sbquo calligraphy&sbquo video or filmーis to bring out essence through editing. It is necessary to understand the difference between 創作 and 創造. In particular&sbquo 創る means creating an original work of expression from certain concepts and images. That is&sbquo rather than producing a result or a state&sbquo it represents every abstract 造作 (zosaーact) for the acts of 作る or 造る. In design&sbquo it is possible to define 創る as an act of thoroughly pursuing one's thoughts for the act of 創る. To design is to first intentionally create something through a creative (創造) concept and further integrate one's thoughts in a creative (創作) manner. Designing can be said a strategic act for combining 創造 and 創作.

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