
While 作る means forming things in a subtractive manner by removing parts from a material&sbquo 造る also involves a time-related factor as in the word 醸造 (jozo)&sbquo which means "brewing" or "fermentation." 醸造 for making sake or vinegar is a processing method that involves time. Therefore&sbquo 造る represents making things in an additive manner in which everything&sbquo from combining various materials and ingredients to changes and transformations through time&sbquo is added in the process. Comparing 製作 and 製造 (seizo-manufacturing)&sbquo the latter employs more complicated tools and process. Historically&sbquo in the family handicraft industry&sbquo creating things progressed from 製作 and 製造. Soon 製造 progressed to 生産 (seisan-production) and led to the industrial revolution. A thing made through 製作 or 製造 is called 製品 (seihin-product). Moreover&sbquo a processing method that employs both the subtractive processing of the material (作る) and additive process of integrating materials or ingredients (造る) is called 造作 (zousaku-building). In areas such as deserts and savannas where there are no materials&sbquo they have to create space by bringing in materials. In architectural spaces such as Middle Eastern mosques&sbquo even the interiors are made in an extremely detailed manner&sbquo as evidenced by the colorful interior tile ornamentation. Peoples that take this additive approach to making things (造る) employ widely varying materials. In design it would be more adequate to use the term 造る instead of 作る if the process is complicated and involves consideration of the time axis.

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