
Both are terms and concepts&sbquo originating from a Greek word noeo = "to see&sbquo" and were used in Husserl's phenomenology. Noesis means the effect of thinking as a spiritual perceptive effect&sbquo and the spiritually perceived thing as the object&sbquo or what is thought is noema. Husserl defined the effect of giving a meaning as noesis or noesis based opportunity&sbquo and the ability for comprehensively perceiving the meaning structured by the effect as noema. Noema is not a concrete phenomenon or event but is structured in our consciousness through the correlation or mutual relation with noesis&sbquo and can be considered as the plane of subjectivity of our perception or consciousness. Though this process in which noesis and noema are linked&sbquo even materialistic elements that in essence do not have any meaning by themselves&sbquo can bring in meanings through perceptive consciousness. Neither the relationship between noesis and noema nor the terms and concepts are used in interpretative and creative theories in the field of design. As to what mutual relationship the design subject or the subject designed has in the perceptive consciousness&sbquo it must be said that it is polarized excessively to affordance theory and Gibsonesque designer-perception theories today. After all&sbquo in order to develop product semantics and formative language theories&sbquo it is necessary to re-evaluate the theory of pure consciousness that is said to be lost in our daily awareness. To do so&sbquo perception and consciousness theories that further purify affordance and seman-tics are essential. I would like to re-propose these two words as the concept or terminology y for these. theories.

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