
The establishment of a design domain by the word graphics has involved a number of historical transitions&sbquo an expansion of meaning from the original interpretation of the term and intersection of the limits of its meaningfulness. Graphic design refers to a composition format that comprises visual transcription methods or drawing expressed on flat surfaces. Graphics as a Latin term means everything from transcribing to drawing pictures from that transcription and expresses the act of picturing something vividly. The form transcription expressed on the flat surface thanks to acts of writing&sbquo copying&sbquo and picturing is perceived visually. This visual perception implies that creative acts of design on flat surfaces&sbquo that is&sbquo in two dimensions&sbquo has been defined as establishing graphics. However&sbquo in recognition of the fact graphics refers to the visual subject itself and not the expressive method or act regarding the subject expressive method or act regarding the subject expressed therein&sbquo the manner of expression that is&sbquo the meaningfulness of the planar design&sbquo is required to possess a transcribed or pictured functionality and potential. Once&sbquo it was assumed that the core meaning of "graphics" was clear in the Japanese equivalent zuan. Defining as graphic design what's required to become cognizant of the expressive from&sbquo that is&sbquo the expressed content and information in the Zu (diagram) and the information of the An (proposal)&sbquo is already classical and furthermore limiting. However&sbquo it splendidly describes the information contained in the meaning expressed. In other words&sbquo by trying to read the characteristics of zuan (graphics) in the subject that we are trying to recognize&sbquo or&sbquo to put it another way&sbquo the information in the subject&sbquo we will correctly perceive that subject. The relationship between graphic expressions and informationalization graphically expresses information through expressive form and expressive content. Or&sbquo by putting information in the form of graphics it is possible to strengthen the degree of understanding and the ease of conveying meaning. Accordingly&sbquo graphic design becomes an important means of communication when used to convey information&sbquo and&sbquo as a method of cognition&sbquo dose not end with visual perception. I believe we are entering an age in which graphic design will be liberated from the merely visual.

Copyright © 2009 Kazuo KAWASAKI All rights reserved.