
I would like to define the word yui. It is used as a dominant prefix in such idioms or phrases as yuiga-ron(solipsism)&sbquo yuibutsu-ron(materialism)&sbquo yuishiki-ron(mind-only)&sbquo and yuishin-ron(spiritualism). The word yuiitsu (one and only) suggests that the object is solely the central object and cannot be replaced by any other. The thought&sbquo for example&sbquo of considering the self or ego as yuiitsu&sbquo or the one and only&sbquo is called yuiga-ron&sbquo or solipsism. This thought is mainly based on the concept that the outer world including other egos is nothing more than the conception of one’s own ago. Yuishiki-ron (mind-only) is the thought that knowledge and wisdom are the only conceptions&sbquo and form the basis of scientific concepts.
Particularly in design&sbquo since the yuibutsu-ron&sbquo or materialism&sbquo is the most important concept&sbquo it is necessary to define how it should be perceived. Yuibutsu is a world-view that considers the physical as essential and primary&sbquo and the spiritual as secondary and derivative. Epistemologically&sbquo it is a type of sensationalism&sbquo and it tends to lean towards hedonism regarding ethics and atheism regarding religion. The historical materialism of Marx and Engels represent such philosophical concepts. They considered materialistic things as existences that essencially supported economic life. As a result it became a thought or concept that implied the upper structures such as politics&sbquo laws&sbquo religions&sbquo philosophy and especially art are prescribed by the materialistic lower structures. For design&sbquo it is certain that the re-verification and redefinition of materialism is important in stipulating the social and temporal concept of values.

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